Simi walk participant making a bracelet.

Every year, we are so encouraged by our Walk for Restaveks. It is a blessing to see like-minded Christians come together to pray for and support the weak and vulnerable in Haiti. We always come away from the day with a sense of joy as we reflect on the faithfulness of our God—in showing us the hope of Jesus, and in designing the church to be a place of refuge in a troubled world. If you’ve attended a Walk in the past, you may have had a similar experience. Today, we want to talk about how this event can also be an encouragement to your children, and to your whole family.

Fostering Important Conversations
The Walk for Restaveks provides an opportunity for families to discuss the challenging realities that restavek children face in Haiti. Parents can use this event as a springboard to talk about things like poverty and suffering, and the importance of compassion and justice. By engaging in age-appropriate discussions about the plight of restavek children, families can help their children develop empathy, critical thinking skills, and a sense of social responsibility.

Growing in Faith
Participating in the Walk for Restaveks models an active Christian faith for all who attend, including the children. By taking time out of your Saturday to participate in this event, you are demonstrating that Christians believe in caring for the vulnerable and working towards justice. By involving children in this event, families can demonstrate the practical application of their faith and inspire their kids to live out their beliefs in tangible ways. The Walk can serve as a catalyst for families to explore biblical teachings on caring for others, such as the call to “open your mouth for the people who cannot speak” (Proverbs 31:8).

Simi walk group sitting on park lawn

Making a Tangible Impact

The funds raised during the Walk for Restaveks will directly support Connect 2 Ministries’ efforts to rescue restavek children, provide them with safe homes, education, and vocational training, and help them break the cycle of poverty and exploitation in Haiti. By participating in the Walk and contributing financially, families can teach their children about the power of Christian giving and the difference they can make in the lives of others, even if they are far away. This experience makes a very abstract idea concrete, as we see the reality of the global church at work in a very personal way.

A Family Adventure

The Walk for Restaveks is a family-friendly event, with activities and entertainment for children of all ages. Families can enjoy the walk together, bond over a shared purpose, and create lasting memories. The event’s festive atmosphere—and the opportunity to connect with other families and kids—makes the experience both meaningful and fun for children.

Walking with us this October gives families an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of restavek children. It also provides a means of strengthening their own relationships and Christian faith. This event is not only a chance to support the weak, but also a way for families to create significant memories and inspire their children to follow Christ in His example of caring for the weak and helpless, wherever they may be in the world.

If you’re a Southern California resident, register today for the Walk for Restaveks! If you’re not local to California, you can still participate in this ministry effort by creating your own fundraising page to raise support for the work in Haiti—we invite you to partner with us today!

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