Sponsor a Child
Their Story
The word restavek is Creole meaning “to stay with”, what we would call a child slave. It is legal in Haiti to own a child slave, and it is estimated that there are 300,000 child slaves in Haiti alone.
A family of seven typically makes $1.50 a day, causing parents of these children to make an incredibly difficult choice: Do I allow them to starve living with us or do I give them to a family member or friend in hope of a greater life? To try and ensure a better life for their child, a parent will give them to a “coyote”, someone who is trading in the child slavery market. Most parents believe this person will help ensure a better life for their child, when in reality, they’re not raising them – they’re abusing them. Sadly, this isn’t limited to just physical abuse. We have learned that the majority of the children in our Homes have been sexually abused, too.
Sponsorship is the ultimate gift to a child in need. We need sponsors more than ever, become a sponsor today!
Sponsorship Program
From Our Sponsors
“I love sponsoring a child with Connect 2 because I got to see firsthand what just $40 a month can do for these children. This is my way of loving on them when I can’t be there in person.”
Why Sponsor?
Our overarching goal for the children is to, one by one, break the back of slavery. The philosophy we hold is that if we can provide safety, trust, education and an opportunity for owning their own successful trade, the child will become a married adult who can support his/her family. If the child grows to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, they won’t just have been saved from slavery, they will know that they can be in eternity with a loving and gracious Father who will love them and never forsake them. We can only imagine the impact this will have on their future families, too.
We can’t fix the issue of slavery in Haiti, but you can help save these children from a life in captivity and give them hope for a better future.
Give hope and so much more with your sponsorship.
Sponsorship is the ultimate gift to a child in need. When you sponsor a child with just $40 each month, your gift enables Connect 2 Ministries to provide a safe home, a loving house mom, medical care, government-recognized education, and, most importantly, the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. Your monthly gift changes a rescued child’s life!
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“The Hands & Feet of Jesus”
When you join us on an outreach in Haiti, you have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to children who have been rescued out of slavery. The time you spend loving on each child gives them a sense of security and helps them see the love of Jesus in a tangible way.