June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor, and every year, this day gives us reason to seek the Lord while thanking Him for the work He has already done in Haiti. More than 120 children rescued from slavery now call our Regency and Mercy Children’s Homes their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future, and all of this is from the Lord.

One of these children is Mervius Elange. Elange is fifteen years old, and he joined our Children’s Home a few years ago. He spent much of his early years performing physical labor, which is a story all too common for young people in Haiti. The Lord rescued him from that life and brought him to our homes, and we praise God for the work He has already done in Elange’s heart since then.

Elange heard the gospel from Pastor Poyis, and he repented after hearing that sin grieves the heart of God—but Jesus provides salvation. It has been such a joy to see how the Lord took hold of his heart while being rescued only a short while ago. We know that the Lord will do a great thing in this young man’s life through the power of the gospel, and we cannot wait to see how God uses him for the good of others.

Since trusting in Jesus for salvation, Elange’s life has completely changed. He now wants to follow Jesus in every way, showing that first by being baptized in obedience to God’s command. Pray that Elange would continue to grow in his faith and that the Lord would use him to build His church and bring glory to His name.

Here are some ways you can join us in our efforts to share the hope of Christ in a country where child labor is legal:

  • Pray with us that the Haitian government will deem child labor illegal.
  • Pray for our Haitian staff, who care for and minister to our rescued children every day.
  • Pray that each child in our care would know the healing salvation of Jesus Christ.
  • Sponsor a Child from one of our Homes.
  • Share about Connect 2 Ministries’ efforts today with your family and friends.

How are you standing against child labor today? We would love to hear from you!

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