Jimmy and I were eating lunch one day when we started talking about the ministry. One of the things we discussed was his recent visit to a small children’s home called Sheepfold. Greg has helped support this home for some time, and we have a church in the US that almost completely sponsors their work. Sheepfold has thirty-two kids, and the site is located just outside of Delmas. C2M has some projects planned to help them expand in the future.

As we discussed the work being done through this home, I couldn’t help but thank the Lord again for His faithfulness in each of our Children’s Homes. Poyis picked me up later to drive some of our kids home from school, and we went back to the compound after.

The secondary school is under construction, and it is coming along nicely.


I also had a chance to take photos of both the boys and girls as they were making a “Happy Birthday” video to send Greg. It made me smile to hear them singing to him.


Our trips are productive, but I’m always most encouraged by the time spent with these sweet people.

Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are, and to learn how you can make a difference, visit Join an Outreach Program.

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