Poyis led a helpful devotional during a recent Mercy Network meeting where he discussed the topic of being a light in a lost community. He considered an array of social and practical elements, mostly focusing on the things he does as a pastor to “leave the building” and be among the people in the community. Some of these men practice this very well already, and it was a helpful reminder to all, wherever they’re at.

We spent the rest of the discussion time thinking about these questions: What are some of the needs in Haitian communities? How can we meet those needs through our churches to be a practical light for the gospel? I was not expecting the response. The men said things like…

  • Most of the kids in one community don’t go to school or church.
  • People in another community are in need of clothes.
  • All could use a mobile health clinic to care for medical needs.
  • Kids from a school in one area need food.
  • One community has many people who need shelter.
    Water is scarce in another area.
  • Another school is not always able to pay the teachers.
  • Children in a particularly bad area are selling themselves as slaves because their parents can’t feed them.

The needs seem overwhelming. These men want to be light in their communities, but they are facing significant challenges. After our meeting, I prayed for them. We know that as children of God, we “can do all things, through Christ” who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).

I took a walk around the compound as the sun set that evening. It was peaceful and quiet. I spent time praying for the work here and wondering just how God would provide so that we could help these churches reach their communities for the gospel. It made me think about the need for the gospel in communities around the world. People are lost. People are broken. God’s true church is the answer.

Lord, as I fall asleep tonight, give me your heart for the world. To God be the glory, great things He has done—and is doing.

Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are, and to learn how you can make a difference, visit Join an Outreach Program.

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