boy painting a connect 2 ministries gate in Haiti

This last year has been one of adjustments. Haiti’s continued social and political turmoil has made us think outside the box about ways to support our ministry partners in Haiti, and we have seen some encouraging fruit. In the midst of dark times, God is still at work.

We have been able to give food recently (in a very limited capacity), but we’ve still been able to offer some resources through our clinic and serve as support for our Mercy Network pastors. Pastor Poyis and Jimmy are in communication with these men consistently, and they are faithful to let us know of any financial needs or other ways we can help from a distance.

We’ve recently partnered with Missionary Flights International, and that connection has gone a long way toward bridging the gaps created by the political situation in Haiti. In December, we partnered with a US congregation, Harbor City Baptist Church, to send Christmas packages for each of the kids in our Regency and Mercy Homes. It is such a blessing to see these kids experiencing joy in an otherwise troubling time, and to know that we are still reaching ministry goals by connecting the US church with churches internationally in a powerful way.

A group of Haitian children with packages.

Despite uncertainty about the future, the Lord has continued to provide opportunities for ministry. We are constantly reminded that He is faithful, and that knowledge builds our faith as we pour ourselves into the work of the gospel.

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