Monthly Archives: August 2020

A Celebratory Sunday in Haiti

In July of 2020, I was able to visit the ministry compound despite COVID-19 circumstances. It was an incredible trip, and I’m excited to share some of my favorite stories on the Connect 2 Ministries blog. Sunday, July 12, 2020 I woke up at 6AM, got dressed and went out to the front of the compound where the church is by 6:30AM. A handful of people were already inside waiting for the service to start. I said hello to Poyis and the others and observed them as they greeted the people coming through the front gate. In the spirit of [...]

2023-08-14T11:21:49-07:00August 28th, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Poverty Encounter Interview with Greg Barshaw

Connect 2 Ministries partners with Children’s Hunger Fund to serve the local church in Haiti. We are honored to have our Founder, Greg Barshaw, featured in the Children’s Hunger Fund Poverty Encounter online series. Watch the video to learn more about what life is like as a child in Haiti and how you can pray for the Haitian people.

2021-08-14T22:43:23-07:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

A Future Filled with Hope

Back in January, I traveled to Haiti to help with a team from the U.S. as they worked on a service project and ministered to the children at the Regency Children’s Home. I’m excited to share some excerpts from the journal I kept during my trip. Sunday, January 26th  The team and I headed to the Children’s Home with two translators.  When we got there, we went inside to see all the children. They were so excited to see us.  We ended up hanging out with them and waiting for them to eat.  It is unbelievable to see 100+ kids [...]

A Sunday Morning in Onaville

Back in January, I traveled to Haiti to help with a team from the U.S. as they worked on a service project and ministered to the children at the Regency Children’s Home. I hope these stories will encourage you and give you a better understanding of joining an Outreach Team trip. Sunday, January 26, 2020 I slept pretty good last night considering it only gets down to about 70° at night.  I did wake up at 2:00 a.m., but fell back to sleep until 6.  As I was getting ready, I heard the worship band next door at the church [...]

2021-08-14T22:41:34-07:00August 7th, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |
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