2021 Ministry Goals

We’re all excited to see what God has in store for the rest of the year. Lord-willing, we’ll be able to continue seeing ministry flourish in Haiti. We have 6 big goals we’d love to accomplish. Would you pray with us over the following:

In partnership with Children’s Hunger Fund, we are excited to work with 30 churches in our network to provide free medical services. Each clinic will provide services for 120 people, estimating over 3,600 new families will hear the Gospel.

How to Pray: Since we are ministering in a third world country, administration of a project this size is not as simple as it would be in the U.S. Please pray that God will continue to work out all the details and that we will be faithful and diligent to provide these clinics.

To continue the education of the children in our Homes who are more advanced, we hope to complete the construction of the secondary school and its library. 

How to Pray: Due to Covid-19, it has been challenging to send U.S. volunteer teams to Haiti to start building projects. Please pray for our staff as we continue to seek the best way to accomplish these projects. 

We continually seek to disciple and resource Haitian pastors. We have 4 pastors ready to plant a church, and we hope to provide U.S. church teams to help with the construction.

How to Pray: Due to Covid-19, it has been challenging to send U.S. volunteer teams to Haiti to start building projects. Please pray for our staff as we continue to seek the best way to accomplish these projects.

Our Ministry Director, who oversees all the compound’s activities, and our Children’s Home Director will have houses provided to better enable them for ministry.

How to Pray: Due to Covid-19, it has been challenging to send U.S. volunteer teams to Haiti to start building projects. Please pray for our staff as we continue to seek the best way to accomplish these projects.

These businesses are two-fold: (1) teach the children in our Homes basic business and animal husbandry skills, and (2) continue to make the ministry more self-sustainable.

Both goat milk and eggs would be an invaluable resource to give to patients visiting the Medical Clinic, as well as to sell to the surrounding community.

How to Pray: Testing dehydrators and shipping them to Haiti are just a couple of the interesting factors for these animal husbandry projects. Please pray for wisdom and ingenuity when it comes to launching these exciting projects this year.

The core of our mission is to connect U.S. churches with churches in the developing world to reignite their passion for the lost and open their eyes to true suffering.

Our prayer is to come alongside 4 new U.S. churches this year and give them opportunities to serve our God and

How to Pray: Please pray for our stateside staff as we desire to make meaningful friendships with pastors here in the U.S.