Monthly Archives: August 2021

Pastor Testimony—Derozier Bernateau

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16 Pastor Derozier Bernateau Pastor Bernateau was raised in a Christian home, and his parents were his earliest model of what it means to follow Christ. Pastor Bernateau’s mother was a faithful servant in the church, and his father was an usher. His family lived in the countryside for his whole life, and it wasn’t until Pastor Bernateau came to Port-au-Prince that the Lord called him to ministry. That specific [...]

2023-04-07T08:36:49-07:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Testimonies|Tags: , , |

A Lasting Impact, Part 2

A Lasting Impact, Part 2 This trip was a whirlwind, to say the least, and our team worked on a couple of projects for the Children’s Homes while also helping with the Children’s Hunger Fund food pak distributions. It is so encouraging to watch ministry happen in real-time. One morning, the Medical Clinic offered vaccines for the community, with women bringing their babies for check-ups and immunizations, and another day, the pastors from our Mercy Network came to the compound for a morning of worship, equipping, and discipleship. The week was filled with ministry. [...]

2021 World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day Dr. Jarvis has served in international ministry for eighteen years, and he is a faithful volunteer with Connect 2 Ministries. As we recognize World Humanitarian Day, we asked Dr. Jarvis to share his thoughts on gospel ministry and serving in an international context. We hear often that the Christian life is meant to be spent. Ministry is about connecting with people, building relationships, and leading others to Christ, and the heart of gospel work is keeping the main thing the main thing. It’s not primarily about bringing food [...]

A Lasting Impact, Part 1

A Lasting Impact, Part 1 If you’ve ever wondered how much a church can impact a community, you should see the church in Haiti. On a recent trip, a few mundane events gained so much more meaning in my mind, as I had the opportunity to witness the church in action. On day one, as we began our drive to Onaville, the van’s hood started to rattle. Pastor Poyis pulled over, hopped out, and secured it, but thirty seconds hadn’t gone by before he got a phone call. A passing bus’s driver had recognized [...]

2023-04-07T08:38:45-07:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Laying a Foundation, Part 6

Laying a Foundation, Part 6 Friday Afternoon After breakfast (and seeing Chuck off to the airport—see Part 5 of this series for the story), some of the team went to finish work on the church while the rest of us focused on tying up loose ends at the Children’s Home. Our work with the kids went quickly, and we were saying goodbye after only a couple of hours. We went back to the compound, where we found the guys building a wardrobe cabinet and working on solar panels. We hung out with them [...]

2023-04-07T08:39:00-07:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |
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