Monthly Archives: April 2023

A Future for Restaveks

One of the questions we often encounter is, “Why do we make our Children’s Homes into a permanent home for restavek kids rather than pursuing adoption?” It’s a fair question. In an ideal world, every child would have a stable family with loving parents. But that’s not our reality. Adoption is not always reliable or feasible. It can be an extremely long and expensive process which is a challenge for many families, let alone those already struggling to provide for themselves. In addition, many children have complex medical, emotional, or social needs that make adoption difficult. In either case, [...]

Supporting Missions with Your Family

At Connect 2 Ministries, we believe that ministry is a community effort. The Great Commission is a call to all God’s people, and making disciples is not something we do in isolation. That’s why we try to encourage families to make missions a regular part of life. Here are some practical things you can do to get started. Pray Together. Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do as Christians, and the best thing you can do to get your family involved in ministry is to pray together. Sponsor a child as a family, and commit to praying for [...]

2023-06-21T15:58:46-07:00April 14th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |

Supporting Missions—The Dell Family

The Dell family has supported Connect 2 Ministries for years, and like many of our faithful supporters, they make a point of including their children in family ministry. We asked Jon and Melissa to share today about their experience getting their whole family involved in missions. When my wife and I got married, neither of us were pursuing God or anything involving ministry. Although I was raised in a Christian church and had been involved in Christian community in the past, it wasn’t until our first daughter was born twelve years ago that we realized our need for a [...]

2023-06-21T15:48:59-07:00April 7th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , |
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