Monthly Archives: June 2023

Missions in the Bible, Part 2

Because of the peace and hope we’ve received in our own salvation, we seek to make Jesus known wherever we go. Whether in our local communities or in a foreign country, our heart is to see the lost come to Christ. To that end, we’re looking today at five more aspects of missions in the Bible. Missions is God working through us. God calls His church to live as messengers for Christ in this world. We share the good news, and God works through us, His children. “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. [...]

2024-06-17T11:24:20-07:00June 30th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , |

Missions in the Bible, Part 1

We talk a lot about missions. As Christians, we all have a mission from God to make disciples in the world. But what does that look like practically, and how is it modeled in the Bible? Today we’re taking a look at God’s word on missions from the pages of Scripture. Missions has a purpose. God designed for His people to play a role in the salvation of others; our job is to share the good news of forgiveness in Christ. “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that [...]

2024-06-17T11:24:50-07:00June 23rd, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , |

2023 World Day Against Child Labor

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” —Romans 12:2 As Christians, it’s easy to do things that aren’t wrong in themselves, for no reason other than that they’re familiar to us. It’s easy to get caught up in the culture. But if we take Romans 12:2 literally, the patterns of this world are at odds with biblical truth. If that is true, then the question for us becomes what are [...]

2023-06-12T10:05:48-07:00June 12th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , , |

Early Growth

Between 2010 and 2020, Haiti’s religious climate saw a dramatic shift. Before the 2010 earthquake, polls showed about eighty percent of people in Port-au-Prince identified as Catholic, and less than twenty percent attended evangelical churches. Ten years later, the numbers were split at fifty percent for each category. We witnessed some of those personal changes firsthand in our Mercy Network churches. People often came with testimonies of misdirected worship that had been arrested and refocused on Christ, by God’s grace. “We did our sacrifices; we paid the spirits; we paid the Voudou priests to protect us. Then the earthquake [...]

2023-06-03T06:51:22-07:00June 2nd, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |
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