Monthly Archives: July 2023

2023 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons resonates with the heart of Connect 2 Ministries. Each year on July 30, we join the global movement to end human trafficking as an extension of our ongoing ministry during the year. More than 120 children rescued from trafficking now call our Regency and Mercy Children’s Homes their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. Over the last two years, Haiti has experienced a prolonged period of social and political crisis. Today, we asked our founder, Greg Barshaw, to share what happens to restavek children [...]

Priorities in Serving

Over the years, our four core pillars have been the guiding principles. We are biblically focused, church centric, invested in compassionate relationships, and rooted in indigenous ministry. There’s a simple reason for that. The challenge in ministry is that if you take too broad of an approach, you end up exhausting your resources quickly and reaching less people as a result. We have seen many organizations come into Haiti and do just that. While they’ve been incredibly responsive to need, doing it without guiding principles means you spend your resources rather than investing them. It’s impossible to feed everyone or [...]

2023-07-21T08:36:25-07:00July 21st, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |

The First Five Years

Connect 2 Ministries got its start because of a God-given burden for the church in the US. Over my years in ministry, I came to believe that the church in North America had lost its passion and purpose. Church activities thrived, but outreach ministries struggled. Through many providential conversations, I came to see that some of the pastors I knew and loved felt the same about their own congregations. So, in partnership with them, C2M was born. The goal from the beginning was to help churches take people overseas. This cemented itself when a good friend of mine, a church [...]

2023-07-13T10:04:20-07:00July 14th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |

A Life of Faith

Once when I was teaching a seminar in Haiti, I was talking about three characteristics of a healthy church. As I was speaking, I started to use the illustration of a three-legged stool—common in the US, but Poyis jumped in and suggested I use three stones instead. He told me that every Haitian child, first thing in the morning, goes outside to check if the three stones are up or down. I asked, “What are the stones for?” Poyis replied, “In a Haitian home, checking the three stones is a daily ritual because it shows something very important. When the [...]

2023-08-21T11:53:36-07:00July 7th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , |
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