Monthly Archives: November 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023

Mac and Anne McGaha have served with Connect 2 Ministries for more than ten years, and they have served alongside us on many of our trips to Haiti. As we recognize Giving Tuesday, we asked the McGahas to share their thoughts on living life for others. We went to Haiti for the first time on a trip with Wheels for the World, and that's how we first met Greg. We were really impressed with how Connect 2 Ministries was working in Haiti. Everything was organized, and they knew what they were doing. That trip was the beginning of an enduring [...]

2023-11-27T12:41:48-08:00November 28th, 2023|Categories: Holiday|Tags: , , , |

FOUND Short Film

Picture a shack. Tin roof, patched wooden walls, and a tarp for a window covering. This is Natascha's home. Her father fixes a meager meal outside over an open fire, while her brother shoos away flies from his perch on a nearby rock. Natashca is inside, hungry. She knows, as they all do, that whatever they have to eat that day will not be enough. It is never enough. With more than five children and expenses rising as they grow, Natascha’s parents must find a new way to provide. The alternative is unimaginable. This scene is a common one [...]

2023-11-16T10:43:28-08:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , , , |


“Kwashiorkor is a disease marked by severe protein malnutrition and bilateral extremity swelling. It usually affects infants and children, most often around the age of weaning through age 5. The disease is seen in very severe cases of starvation and poverty-stricken regions worldwide.”1 Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition, but the symptoms aren’t what we might assume. Where a distended stomach is one of the most prominent signs of traditional malnutrition, many children with Kwashiorkor actually have a passable number of calories in their diet—but they don't have enough protein. As children grow, they need protein in order to [...]

2023-11-14T07:26:00-08:00November 10th, 2023|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |
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