Monthly Archives: January 2024

Ways to Pray

Prayer is a powerful aspect of the Christian life. It is the avenue God has given for direct communication between us and Himself. While we pray with humble hearts and in submission to His sovereign will, the Bible also gives us multiple examples of ways to pray in alignment with God's promises—ways to ask for things God has already promised to give. Here are a few examples. Prayers for Wisdom. In James 1:5, the apostle encourages believers to seek God's wisdom in their lives. The verse reads, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously [...]

The Light of the World

Jesus is often referred to as "the Light of the World" in Scripture. It’s a frequent title for Christ, which makes it familiar for many of us. It carries the idea that Jesus is the truth, order, and meaning in the world, and for those reasons, the title itself is significant. Today, we’re looking at three implications this title, “the Light of the World,” has for us as Christians, and what that means for all of us as we minister to others. Guidance in Darkness. Jesus, as the Light of the World, provides spiritual guidance to those who seek [...]

Meeting Needs with RUTF

Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTFs) are nutrient-dense food products used to treat severe malnutrition. In developing countries like Haiti, these resources make a world of difference. On our blog, we’ve shared about the struggle with kwashiorkor in many of our Haitian communities. Treating kwashiorkor requires careful and gradual reintroduction of essential nutrients, especially protein, into the child's diet, and this process must be closely monitored to avoid refeeding syndrome—a dangerous condition that can occur when malnourished patients receive too many nutrients too quickly.1 That’s where therapeutic foods like RUTF come in. What It Is RUTF is a specific type of [...]

Joy Comes in the Morning

We’ve all heard the phrase, “joy comes in the morning.” It’s an idea that comes from Psalm 30:5, which says, "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” This verse has offered comfort to believers for centuries, reminding us, Christians, of the hope we can cling to when facing life’s hardest trials. That hope comes because we know the challenges and difficulties of life are temporary. We will certainly face periods of sorrow and pain—these things are part of the human experience, but at the same time, none of them are permanent. We look forward to [...]

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