Monthly Archives: April 2024

Typical Haitian Orphanages, Part 2

We shared recently about the difference between our Children’s Homes and typical Haitian orphanages. What you might not know is that there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of traditional orphanages in Haiti. One startling aspect of these orphanages is that many end up being used as money machines. Haitians will go to the States, plead for support for their kids, then siphon money off the funding they receive before it ever reaches the children. In many cases, orphan care can become a lucrative business. To make matters worse, the kids are often under-fed and under cared for. Frequently, dishonest staff will [...]

Typical Haitian Orphanages, Part 1

Orphanages in Haiti are different than orphanages in many countries. When we think of an orphanage, we likely imagine a group of children who don’t have families. In Haiti, that’s not usually the case. While some children might have lost their parents, a greater percentage of them have families, but their families are unable to support them. For this reason, one of the challenges with Haitian orphanages is that kids will often go back and forth from the orphanage to their family home. If the father is out of work, then they go to the orphanage—if he gets a job, [...]

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