Monthly Archives: August 2024

Stronghold of Evil, Part 7

In Haitian culture, greetings often include a recognition of spiritual presence. It is common to greet others with blessings, such as "Bonswa" (good evening) or "Bondye beni ou" (God bless you). Blessings carry a subtle acknowledgment of the divine, and while the dominant religious context in Haiti is Vodou, this shared belief in supernatural power offers a point of connection in evangelism. We can agree that the supernatural is real, that divine power exists, and that it demands our attention. However, these broadly shared beliefs can also cause confusion. Vodou priests assume a role of spiritual authority over their people, [...]

2024-08-30T08:14:12-07:00August 30th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

2024 World Humanitarian Day

John McHale has served in international ministry for many years, and he is a faithful partner of Connect 2 Ministries. As we recognize World Humanitarian Day, we asked John to share his thoughts on gospel ministry and serving in an international context. I first heard about Connect 2 Ministries through my church, Antioch Church in Simi Valley. I’ve been on three Haiti trips over the years, and those experiences have influenced my outlook in some dramatic ways. Serving in an international context puts perspective on church life, our mission as servants of Christ, and the opportunities God places in each [...]

2024-08-18T22:46:20-07:00August 19th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |
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