Monthly Archives: September 2024

Walk for Restaveks 2024: Supporting Missions with Your Family

Every year, we are so encouraged by our Walk for Restaveks. It is a blessing to see like-minded Christians come together to pray for and support the weak and vulnerable in Haiti. We always come away from the day with a sense of joy as we reflect on the faithfulness of our God—in showing us the hope of Jesus, and in designing the church to be a place of refuge in a troubled world. If you’ve attended a Walk in the past, you may have had a similar experience. Today, we want to talk about how this event can [...]

2024-09-18T13:54:30-07:00September 13th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

Walk for Restaveks (October 2024)

In Haiti, approximately 300,000 to 500,000 children are restaveks. The term “restavek” is interchangeable with international definitions of child trafficking—it constitutes modern-day slavery. The restavek system is rooted in poverty, where families, unable to provide for their children, send them to work as domestic servants in exchange for food and shelter. Restaveks often endure long hours of labor without adequate food, education, or medical care, making them vulnerable to further exploitation and abuse. In light of recent trouble in Haiti, this situation has become especially urgent. Haiti has been plagued by political instability and social unrest, and this often leads [...]

2024-09-18T13:53:06-07:00September 6th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |
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