Many mornings when I wake up in Haiti, I hear music from the church first thing. The songs are always a selection of hymns and Christian music; it is beautiful and a wonderful way to start the day. This Sunday in June 2021 was no exception.

Our team walked over to the church around 7:15, and the 125 kids from our Children’s Homes were already seated; today, they were in the main service. When this happens, it makes the church even fuller. There were a few people from the community there as well, and the number grew over the next hour to where there were more than 200 people in church. The room was packed. Many of the church members serve during the service—in music, prayer, and Scripture reading—and today was no exception. There was a guest pastor preaching, and the service also included communion and a baby dedication. What is amazing is that, even though I don’t speak the language very well, I am often able to follow the service and understand most of what happens.

In all the times I’ve been to Haiti, this was the first time I was part of a communion service. It was neat to see some of the kids that I knew go forward to receive the elements, including Steevenson, who had been baptized last December. The Lord has sure done a work in his heart.

The dedication of a baby in church

After communion, a young man and his wife walked to the front with their baby. After a short explanation of the purpose of a baby dedication—examining the role of the parents in the child’s life from God’s Word, highlighting that the baby dedication isn’t as much about the baby as about the parents. It was encouraging to see a father up front taking his role seriously, especially in a county where many fathers have abandoned their role.

I am encouraged by the continued growth and commitment of this young church. Last week, the church celebrated its seventh year of ministry! This congregation has grown in so many ways, and the people are faithful and blessed. Not many churches around the world can say they take care of the orphan like this church. It is truly a testament to God’s grace.

Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are, and to learn how you can make a difference, visit Join an Outreach Program.

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