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So far Connect2Ministries has created 195 blog entries.

Building Hope for a Bigger Future, Part 1

Building Hope for a Bigger Future, Part 1 Last September I took a trip with a small group of American volunteers to our ministry compound in Haiti. The purpose of this particular trip was to build the framework of one wing of the secondary school on the compound of the Mercy Children’s Home. Sunday After breakfast we went to Mercy Children’s Home, which is where we will build the Secondary School. Chuck, our project leader, wanted to take a look and see if we could lay out the locations [...]

2023-04-07T08:49:50-07:00March 12th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach, Testimonies|Tags: , , |

2020 Ministry Accomplishments

2020 Ministry Accomplishments Although ministry could have been halted in 2020, we’re so grateful that God had other plans. We also want to express our gratitude to all our supporters, volunteers and prayer warriors. Here are 6 big projects that were accomplished in 2020: In March 2020, a small team of volunteers led by Mark Upson travelled to Haiti to install solar power at the ministry compound and both Children’s Homes.The entire project was funded by faithful supporters of the ministry, and we received donated electrical supplies through our friends [...]

Testimony Spotlight: Rene Steevenson

During my recent trip to Haiti, I was able to spend some time with one of our older children, Rene Steevenson. He has such a fun personality & I loved being able to spend some time with him and hearing some of his story. Steevenson was brought to the Regency Children's Home by the Brigade for the Protection of Minors (BPM) in September of 2018. He had run away from his owner to escape the abuse he had been suffering, and was rescued off the streets by BPM. I’m so glad he’s safe in our Home now! While Steevenson enjoyed [...]

2021-09-02T18:42:12-07:00March 5th, 2021|Categories: Testimonies|Tags: , , , |

Haiti News March 2021

The last two years have proven to be more challenging to travel from the United States to Haiti, as rioting in the capital over politics and Covid-19 restrictions have raised concerns for some. I wanted to provide you with some perspective about the current events in Haiti from our ministry's standpoint. I am in communication with Pastor Poyis almost daily, which we are both grateful for. The last month’s events have spurred some headlines here in the US. However, a few events have helped the unrest and rioting to calm down. First, President Biden has given notice of his support of [...]

2021-06-30T17:28:53-07:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Newsletters|Tags: , |

The Church in Action Part 2

Last week I shared about a portion of my trip to Haiti in July of 2020. Despite the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, I was able to spend time with Pastor Poyis and learn more about Haitian culture. Sunday, July 12, 2020 We continued our drive through Canaan and onward North just on the edge of the ocean north of Port-au-Prince. It was pretty and reminded me a little of the south side of the island of Maui where it is a little dryer inland and more lush toward the ocean. We traveled about 10 miles until we got to this [...]

2021-09-02T18:40:09-07:00September 11th, 2020|Categories: Testimonies|Tags: , , |

The Church in Action Part 1

In July of 2020, I was able to visit the ministry compound despite COVID-19 circumstances. It was an incredible trip, and I’m excited to share some of my favorite stories on the Connect 2 Ministries blog. Sunday, July 12, 2020 After the service, I went and had breakfast. Poyis came and told me that he was going to drive to another town to pick up some men who wanted to help paint the new Children’s Home. Poyis gladly agreed to let me tag along. Poyis, Moto, and I got onto the school bus around 10AM. We were headed to a [...]

2021-09-02T18:40:05-07:00September 4th, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

A Celebratory Sunday in Haiti

In July of 2020, I was able to visit the ministry compound despite COVID-19 circumstances. It was an incredible trip, and I’m excited to share some of my favorite stories on the Connect 2 Ministries blog. Sunday, July 12, 2020 I woke up at 6AM, got dressed and went out to the front of the compound where the church is by 6:30AM. A handful of people were already inside waiting for the service to start. I said hello to Poyis and the others and observed them as they greeted the people coming through the front gate. In the spirit of [...]

2023-08-14T11:21:49-07:00August 28th, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Poverty Encounter Interview with Greg Barshaw

Connect 2 Ministries partners with Children’s Hunger Fund to serve the local church in Haiti. We are honored to have our Founder, Greg Barshaw, featured in the Children’s Hunger Fund Poverty Encounter online series. Watch the video to learn more about what life is like as a child in Haiti and how you can pray for the Haitian people.

2021-08-14T22:43:23-07:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

A Future Filled with Hope

Back in January, I traveled to Haiti to help with a team from the U.S. as they worked on a service project and ministered to the children at the Regency Children’s Home. I’m excited to share some excerpts from the journal I kept during my trip. Sunday, January 26th  The team and I headed to the Children’s Home with two translators.  When we got there, we went inside to see all the children. They were so excited to see us.  We ended up hanging out with them and waiting for them to eat.  It is unbelievable to see 100+ kids [...]

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