Ministry Outreach

A Greater Healing

One of the first things we do when a new child comes to our Children’s Homes is give them a medical examination. Because our kids come from situations where they were enslaved, we make it a priority to meet any physical needs as soon as possible. The first eight kids we brought to the Regency Home were lovingly and carefully examined by a medical team which consisted of three U.S. nurses who had volunteered their time and skills to help in this ministry. These nurses were seasoned professionals (each one had more than twenty years of [...]

2023-04-06T16:27:30-07:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , , |

Trip Memories

In June 2021, I drove our team back and forth from the compound to the Children’s Homes a few times. Most of the drive is on dirt roads, and because I grew up in Texas driving on ranches and farmland, I learned how to navigate these rugged areas. I have to say, these roads are extremely rugged. I learned why on Wednesday evening when it started to rain just as we were finishing. Within a few minutes, the roads were flooding. It’s only a half mile from the Children’s Homes to the compound, but each [...]

2023-04-06T16:34:11-07:00September 23rd, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

The Heart of Ministry

Each time I travel to Haiti, we have a half-day pastors meeting. This is an important part of the ministry at C2M, and it’s always a highlight of each trip for me personally. Greg, Poyis, and I are investing in these pastors because we believe that the best way to help Haitians is by sharing the gospel generally, and traininging men in Haiti specifically to love Jesus and be used by Him to disciple and grow the church. The problems in Haiti will not be solved by human solutions. Government, education, business, and humanitarian efforts [...]

2023-04-06T19:31:20-07:00September 9th, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Director’s House Construction

I shared recently about the start of our construction work on the Children’s Homes director’s house, and I want to share a bit more of that story today. C2M has built many buildings, and it has always been helpful through the years to have American teams come to volunteer on the crew. Very few Haitians ever work with wood—they build almost everything out of concrete and block—so it’s especially valuable to have team members familiar with woodworking. We build with wood because of the earthquakes Haiti has experienced over the years; everything from the frame [...]

2023-04-06T19:30:24-07:00September 2nd, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Answers to Prayer

I want to share with you today about some work we did on a recent construction project in Haiti. We prayed for years for the means and opportunity to build our director’s house at the Mercy Home, and on this trip, the time had come. The team and I spent our first morning on site getting things set up for the week. We put the tools and a generator in a storage room and then started to lay out the area where we would build. Our plans were to build the house approximately 40’ by [...]

2023-04-06T19:29:16-07:00August 26th, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , , |

2022 World Humanitarian Day

Shaina Grill has served with Connect 2 Ministries for more than eight years, and she currently serves as our Sponsorship Program & Special Events Coordinator. As we recognize World Humanitarian Day, we asked Shaina to share her thoughts on living life for others. My first trip to Haiti was my first outreach trip ever. I didn’t grow up in the church, so by the time I came to Christ, I had a young family and didn’t have an interest in serving outside of my local congregation. When our middle daughter was a senior in high [...]

A Testament to God’s Grace

Many mornings when I wake up in Haiti, I hear music from the church first thing. The songs are always a selection of hymns and Christian music; it is beautiful and a wonderful way to start the day. This Sunday in June 2021 was no exception. Our team walked over to the church around 7:15, and the 125 kids from our Children’s Homes were already seated; today, they were in the main service. When this happens, it makes the church even fuller. There were a few people from the community there as well, and the [...]

2023-04-06T19:26:48-07:00August 12th, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

God’s Heart for the Broken

Poyis led a helpful devotional during a recent Mercy Network meeting where he discussed the topic of being a light in a lost community. He considered an array of social and practical elements, mostly focusing on the things he does as a pastor to “leave the building” and be among the people in the community. Some of these men practice this very well already, and it was a helpful reminder to all, wherever they’re at. We spent the rest of the discussion time thinking about these questions: What are some of the needs in Haitian communities? [...]

2023-04-06T19:25:52-07:00August 5th, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

2022 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons resonates with the heart of Connect 2 Ministries. Each year on July 30, we join the global movement to end human trafficking as an extension of our ongoing ministry during the year. More than 120 children rescued from trafficking now call our Regency and Mercy Children’s Homes their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. Listen to these testimonies from our children and be encouraged by the work God is doing in Haiti. Our ministry team and the [...]

2023-04-06T19:24:42-07:00July 30th, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Notes from a Pastors Meeting

During one Mercy Network meeting, I broke the men into four groups of three and asked them to pray for each other, specifically focusing on the topic of having a gospel witness and how it relates to their own hearts. I could tell that it was a meaningful time. After praying together, we spent about a quarter of an hour hearing from some of the men about their churches. We didn’t have time to hear from everyone, but what was shared was an encouragement to us all. One of the men has pastored the same [...]

2023-04-06T19:32:42-07:00July 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |
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