Family Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about a trip to Haiti last summer. We traveled with the goal of making progress on a few projects at the Regency Home and arrived focused and ready to work. As we pulled up, one of the older boys, Johnny, opened the gate for us. Johnny came to our home five years ago, and the growth in this young man’s life over that time has been amazing. You can read his full story here.

As the kids in our homes are getting older, many of them have started handling some of the adult tasks. The Regency Home used to have a security guard, but in light of recent staff shortages, Johnny stepped up to help Poyis. In a way, this reminds me of what it’s like to be part of a family. Parents invest time, energy, resources, and love into their children, and in turn, the children grow up wanting to serve the family in a trustworthy and faithful way. That’s certainly been the case in our homes.

As we walked around outside, we saw the older kids talking; a group of younger girls giggled and chatted to one another as they played in the shade, and the younger boys were wrestling and laughing loudly. Seeing this picture of gospel ministry came as a fresh reminder that God’s love for us is at the heart of it all.

regency children's group photo

We can only love one another because Jesus loved us (John 15:12), and when we recognize that, we can begin to care for others with true selflessness and loyalty. Johnny’s service at the Regency Home is only one of many examples of how the good news of Christ revolutionizes the way we approach life. Apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are; to sponsor a child like Johnny, visit Sponsor a Child.