Four Pillars of C2M

In missions, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the needs of the people you serve. Without a clear strategy, you can exhaust your resources quickly. You’re never going to end hunger or meet every need in a community, so it’s critical to identify why you’re doing ministry in the first place. The goal is not to end suffering in Haiti. The goal is not even to change Haiti, but to change eternity. In fact, real gospel ministry means meeting someone in their suffering in order to communicate Jesus. Everything we do must have a spiritual purpose, which ultimately focuses us on the only true solution to the struggles of this world.

At Connect 2 Ministries, we’ve developed four core values that create a framework for everything we do in ministry.

    1. Biblically Focused
      The Bible is our source. We have no wisdom, peace, or hope without it, so all of our ministry necessarily flows from a foundation on God’s Word.
    2. Church-Centric
      God designed the church to be an extension of Himself in the world, and we represent Christ because of our unity with Him. By working through local churches, whether in the US or in Haiti, we affirm God’s plan for Christian ministry to happen in the context of community.
    3. Compassionately Pursuing Relationships
      Compassion for suffering is a good thing. Jesus healed, fed, and comforted the needy as He gave them the good news of salvation, and we work to do the same. All of our humanitarian work, from construction to supplying food and medicine, acts as a means to communicate Jesus.
    4. Indigenous Ministry
      “Making disciples” doesn’t stop after conversion. Our goal is to support Haitian believers by equipping them for ministry in a culture they know better than we ever could.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:19–20

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