As an American, I often have questions about Haitian culture, and Poyis is always a great help when they come up. For example, he recently explained that in Haiti, people see pastors as having a role of authority. Many pastors are drawn to the role because they want to be in charge, and you see it when visiting some of the churches. The pastor sits up front, and there is a physical fence that separates the pulpit from the people. The pastor doesn’t go out and see the people, but if the people want something, then they must come to him for help. Poyis explained that before he met Greg, he was well on his way to becoming this kind of pastor—but Greg helped him see that the Bible teaches that pastors must be servants and shepherds of people and care for their flocks.


At first, this was hard for him to hear; he was an associate pastor at the time, and it broke him. But God works in His people, even through misguided beginnings; the Lord has blessed this ministry, and the credit for all of its success is only due to Him. Poyis is well-loved by his congregation, and he knows who is there and not there each week. He prays for his people daily and checks up on them in person throughout the week, all while overseeing the Children’s Homes, Medical Clinic, Mercy Network, and food distribution. Poyis loves God’s Word and has learned so much. He is a faithful example of serving Christ and the church well.

One of the greatest blessings in ministry is seeing God’s Word bear fruit in a practical way. That is exactly what has happened in Pastor Poyis’s church and in Connect 2 Ministries more generally. The Lord has shown us His design in Scripture, and we see His power so wonderfully when we commit to trust Him and obey. Praise God for His faithfulness to His church.

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