Haiti News March 2021

Categories: NewslettersPublished On: March 1st, 2021519 words2.1 min read

The last two years have proven to be more challenging to travel from the United States to Haiti, as rioting in the capital over politics and Covid-19 restrictions have raised concerns for some. I wanted to provide you with some perspective about the current events in Haiti from our ministry’s standpoint. I am in communication with Pastor Poyis almost daily, which we are both grateful for. 

The last month’s events have spurred some headlines here in the US. However, a few events have helped the unrest and rioting to calm down. First, President Biden has given notice of his support of President Jovenel Moïse remaining in office through February 2022. Additionally, the opposition’s leader has been arrested. In Haiti, they celebrate “Carnival”, which we know as Mardi Gras. All of these events have led the unrest to calm down.

Our ministry compound in Onaville is about an hour’s drive outside of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. This is similar to living outside of Los Angeles. During the summer of 2020, we saw rioting in Los Angeles, but my home is approximately an hour’s drive away from where the riots occurred. Covid-19 aside, it would still be considered safe to travel in and out of Los Angeles International Airport to where I live. 

In Onaville, the Haitians have continued with their normal daily lives, out of necessity really. They seem to live without any concern of the political unrest an hour or more away. They also seem unphased by Covid-19. It may be that the hot and humid climate has nulled the spread of the virus. The Haitians live with the presence of many diseases that have been eliminated by most nations. For the Haitians, Covid is just another issue that they live with. We’re grateful this is the case, as it has allowed for our ministry to continue.

Those of you who have traveled with us before are aware of the precautions we take to provide the best care possible when travelling in and out of Port-Au-Prince. A small group traveled with me in January to Haiti, both staff and volunteers. We traveled in and out of Haiti without any issues.

Although the US Embassy currently has the travel warning at a high level, it appears that this is due to events that are happening in the capital region and due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, it is somewhat normal for the travel warning to be at a higher level since Hatii is a third world country. We are also part of Hero, which keeps us informed of travel alerts. 

Thank you for continuing to pray for the people of Haiti. Please pray, too, for their country’s leadership.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 – I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—  for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Greg Barsahw serves as Executive Director and Founder of Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more visit Who We Are, and to find out more about how you can get involved, visit Join the Impact.

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