One of the ways we serve our community in Haiti is by distributing food and supplies. If you’ve been around Connect 2 for long, you know that for a number of years Children’s Hunger Fund has provided Food-Pak boxes that we distribute to churches in Haiti. The primary purpose is to help the needy in the church, but these provisions also give us an opportunity to reach our communities with the gospel message as we share tangible resources.
These distributions look a little different now than they have in the past. The last two years have brought many changes in our ministry processes, and the primary one here is that we now buy food in Haiti and pack the Food-Pak boxes ourselves before sending them out. Since Connect 2 Ministries is church-based and run by indigenous people, the infrastructure is in place to support this transition well. It will take some time and practice, but our first run showed that it can be done and the ministry will continue. Praise the Lord for working in the details.

We started out by packing the supplies in bags instead of boxes—each bag held some rice, beans, pasta, canned fish, and flour. The plan was for the Mercy Network pastors to do the packing, but Poyis surprised us by bringing in some of the older kids from the Children’s Homes to help. Our kids are always eager to volunteer whenever there’s an opportunity to serve.
I was so encouraged by Poyis in every aspect of this process. He had all of the materials well organized, and the whole day felt similar to what you might experience if you went to pack boxes at Children’s Hunger Fund. This team of junior highers, high school students, and Haitian pastors worked very hard at putting together these bags, and it was truly a blessing to witness the church in action throughout the day.
Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are, and to learn how you can make a difference, visit Join an Outreach Program.
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