On Friday mornings, we typically share updates from Haiti—stories from a recent trip or highlights of ministry over the past months. Today, we want to share a specific update on how you can be praying with us for Connect 2 Ministries.

Since the presidential assassination last summer, Haiti has struggled to stabilize. We continue to see health and food needs arising on a daily basis, and gang activity has been an added concern. Please pray that God would protect our children and ministry partners, and ask the Lord with us that Haiti’s November elections would bring positive change to the country.

One of the practical things on our mind is how to access food and supplies from US shipping containers. The gangs took control of the ports not long ago, and when the government found out, they shut the ports down. But if we’ve learned anything, it’s that things can change quickly.


A really positive change has been an increased police presence in the area surrounding Onaville. This has meant greater security for our kids, school, compound, and Mercy Network churches; praise the Lord for His work.

Amid all this uncertainty, we’ve been working to establish a Starlink WiFi connection to facilitate ongoing ministry efforts. We have a system and are looking for a way to get it to Haiti at the moment. This would allow us to hold our Mercy Network meetings virtually and be in closer contact with Poyis and our staff, despite physical distance.

We know the Lord is good, and one of the best blessings He’s given us is constant access to His throne and an invitation to bring our requests before Him. We hope you’ll join us in prayer for Haiti.

Wiley Kennedy serves as Director of International Ministries with Connect 2 Ministries. To learn more about Wiley, visit Who We Are, and to learn how you can make a difference, visit Join an Outreach Program.

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