Prayer Requests

Stronghold of Evil, Part 5

In Haiti, the influence of Vodou is far-reaching. It has not only affected politics but the way people live their daily lives as well. Many common aspects of culture reflect this influence. Herbal Remedies Vodou plays a significant role in Haitian healing practices. Herbal remedies, passed down through generations, are a crucial aspect of Vodou healing. These remedies are used to treat various ailments, from common colds to more serious conditions, and the preparation and use of these herbs are often accompanied by rituals to invoke the healing power of the loa (Vodou spirits).1 Offerings and Altars Many Haitian homes [...]

2024-07-10T12:10:44-07:00July 12th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

Stronghold of Evil, Part 4

In last week’s blog post, we briefly discussed the Tonton Macoute—the paramilitary and secret police force created by François “Papa Doc” Duvalier to execute his political agenda. Today, we’re looking at how the Tonton Macoute influenced the relationship between Vodou and politics in Haiti. The name “Tonton Macoute” refers to a Haitian mythological figure: a bogeyman said to kidnap and eat misbehaving children.1 It was first associated with Duvalier’s enforcers when people began to disappear or be killed, seemingly out of thin air. The name alone evoked fear, but reports and rumors of the Tonton Macoute engaging in dark Vodou [...]

2024-07-02T16:36:57-07:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

Stronghold of Evil, Part 3

Last week, we mentioned François “Papa Doc” Duvalier, who ruled Haiti from the late 1950s to early 1970s (you can read the post here). Many of you are familiar with Papa Doc’s regime, but you may not know just how strongly he relied on Vodou. Duvalier’s time in power was marked by brutal political repression and strategic cultural and religious rhetoric that placed Vodou front and center. Vodou became so much a part of Duvalier’s public persona that he declared himself one with the loa (the spirits of Vodou) and an embodiment of “the Haitian flag.”1 For context, Vodou is [...]

2024-06-21T08:54:10-07:00June 28th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

Stronghold of Evil, Part 2

The relationship between Vodou and politics in Haiti is deeply intertwined. Vodou has influenced leaders, political movements, and social dynamics in every generation, and it continues to play a role in Haitian politics today. To understand this connection, we need to take a closer look at Haiti’s political history. Historical Roots Vodou’s political significance in Haiti began with the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) (see our post, “Stronghold of Evil, Part 1” for more information). Since then, Haitian leaders in every century have used Vodou to achieve political ends. In recent history, François "Papa Doc" Duvalier, who ruled Haiti from 1957–1971, cultivated [...]

2024-06-21T08:39:55-07:00June 21st, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , |

2024 World Day Against Child Labor

June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor, and every year, this day gives us reason to seek the Lord in prayer while thanking Him for the work He has already done in Haiti. More than 112 children rescued from slavery now call our C2M family home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. All of this is from the Lord. To mark this World Day Against Child Labor, we want to invite you to watch our new short film, FOUND. We produced this animated feature for two main reasons: to call [...]

2024-06-14T10:34:48-07:00June 12th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , , |

Stronghold of Evil, Part 1

The country of Haiti has faced its share of darkness. Children are routinely traded and sold into slavery, and corruption exists in every corner of human life. Poverty, disease, and oppressive government conspire to create a society more characterized by defeat than hope. As Christians, we know that spiritual realities are inseparable from daily life—which makes Haiti’s long and fraught history with Vodou a source of deep concern. Historical Context You may have heard talk of Haiti's “deal with the devil.” The idea gained momentum after the 2010 earthquake, when some evangelical leaders claimed that the earthquake was divine [...]

2024-06-21T08:45:18-07:00June 7th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , |

After the Earthquake (2010)

When the earthquake happened in Haiti on January 12, 2010, it was a surreal experience for us. We had left Port-au-Prince just a few days earlier, after being there with a team from the US. The effects were devastating, and the aftermath was jarring. People were injured, displaced, and searching for help and answers that always seemed just out of reach. It was to this environment that we returned about three or four weeks later. There were no commercial flights available at the time, and the only way into the country was by providing medical care, humanitarian aid, or going [...]

2024-05-17T13:03:38-07:00May 24th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , , |

What Got the Children’s Homes Started

When we started doing ministry in Haiti, there were no Children’s Homes. We began by helping orphanages following the earthquake, and during that period, there were many needs. Many orphanages lost buildings in the disaster, which meant that many children were suddenly displaced. The first orphanage we started supporting was in the city of Fermathe, and soon after, we began supporting an orphanage for children affected by disabilities in another city. It got to the point where we were supporting three or four orphanages, and we were helping all of them by providing food and whatever else they needed. But [...]

2024-05-13T12:20:05-07:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: Ministry Highlights|Tags: , , , , |

Diabetes in Haiti

Diabetes is a significant health concern in Haiti. It has been steadily gaining prevalence in the country over the past few decades—many Haitians over the age of fifty now have Type 2 diabetes—which adds to the burden of non-communicable diseases in the nation. Several factors contribute to the high rates of diabetes among Haitians, including poor diet, food scarcity, and limited access to healthcare. There is very little dietary balance among Haitians because fruits, vegetables, and protein are expensive. Their main food staple is rice for one simple reason: it’s cheap. The challenge is that the frontline treatment for diabetes [...]

Typical Haitian Orphanages, Part 2

We shared recently about the difference between our Children’s Homes and typical Haitian orphanages. What you might not know is that there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of traditional orphanages in Haiti. One startling aspect of these orphanages is that many end up being used as money machines. Haitians will go to the States, plead for support for their kids, then siphon money off the funding they receive before it ever reaches the children. In many cases, orphan care can become a lucrative business. To make matters worse, the kids are often under-fed and under cared for. Frequently, dishonest staff will [...]

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