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One of our top goals at Connect 2 Ministries is to provide safe and loving homes for restavek children, offering them food, shelter, education, and most importantly, the love of Christ, on a daily basis. However, this goal comes with challenges. Over the last two years, the country of Haiti has faced severe social and political turmoil. We have struggled to send food and supplies in our previous capacity, and our ministry partners have felt the effects. Due to this scarcity, our Children’s Homes need both prayer and financial support, now more than ever, to continue providing care for restavek children.

Understanding the Restavek System

The term “restavek” is derived from the Haitian Creole words “rester avec,” which mean “to stay with.” Unfortunately, in Haiti, this term has become synonymous with a deeply troubling practice that affects countless children—restaveks are young boys and girls who are sent to live with other families, often relatives or acquaintances, under the guise of receiving care and education. In reality, many restaveks face a life of exploitation, abuse, and slavery.

These children are deprived of their basic rights and subjected to a life filled with physical and emotional hurt, forced labor, and inadequate access to education, nutrition, and healthcare. The restavek system is deeply rooted in poverty, and it exploits the vulnerability of families who cannot afford to care for their children.

The Walk Experience

Our Walk for Restaveks on October 7 is an opportunity for individuals to come together and take a stand against the restavek system. As we walk the trail at Rancho Simi Community Park in Simi Valley, we will ask the Lord for His hand of protection over the restavek children of Haiti and pray for opportunities to continue caring for these kids in the coming months. The walk itself is an encouraging time of fellowship, complete with a food truck, bounce house, face painting, and so much more.

How Your Participation Helps

According to UNICEF, ongoing violence in Haiti has displaced nearly 200,000 people, half of whom are children.1 Our hope is that we would be able to rescue some of them amid this crisis. By signing up to walk and pray in support of restavek children, you play a vital role in bringing hope to these precious kids. Here are some ways your participation can make a difference:

  1. Raising Awareness: Your involvement helps raise awareness about the restavek system. By sharing your experiences and insights with friends, family, and social networks, you can encourage others to get involved and make a change.
  2. Financial Support: Your registration fee goes directly to the ministry. These funds enable us to provide resources, support, and educational opportunities for restavek children.
  3. Advocacy: Through your participation, you become an advocate for restavek children. Your voice, along with others who join the walk, amplifies the call for change and works to combat child exploitation.

Register today for the October 7 Walk for Restaveks. We hope this will be an encouraging time together and a step toward positive change for the children of Haiti.


1 “Escalating violence threatens thousands of children in Port-au-Prince, Haiti,” UNICEF, September 11, 2023, https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/escalating-violence-threatens-thousands-children-port-au-prince-haiti.

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