Park landscape with hills, geese grazing, and volunteers walking the pathway.

One of the causes closest to the heart of C2M is caring for restaveks. Restaveks are children (usually from poor families) who are sent or sold by their parents to live with and work for wealthier families in Haiti. They are usually expected to perform domestic chores in exchange for food and shelter. Restaveks are often mistreated and denied basic human rights such as education, medical care, and the freedom to leave the household they work for. Many are subject to physical and emotional abuse, and some are forced into child labor or prostitution. “Restavek,” meaning “to stay with,” is a practice that is deeply ingrained in Haitian society, and efforts to end it have been ongoing for years. However, despite these attempts, it remains a widespread issue that affects the lives of many Haitian children.

Volunteers praying at park

In light of that reality, it was an encouragement to see so many people come together for our Santa Clarita Walk for Restaveks last Saturday. More than 150 volunteers, friends, and community members (representing thirteen churches) gathered to pray for and support the ministry in Haiti. Thanks to you—our sponsors, participants, and volunteers—we were able to raise $28,000 of our $25,000 goal, which will go directly to supporting our current rescued restaveks along with those we are hoping to rescue and ready to welcome.

volunteers walking on a park path

The day was a blessing from start to finish. It was a wonderful time, complete with bounce houses, face painting, a food truck, and fellowship with friends, old and new. We also hope that you learned more about the restavek system, how we’re trying to help, and the situation of many children who are desperately in need of rescue. Most importantly, we are thankful for the Lord’s provision—“unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

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