World Day
Against Trafficking in Persons
– July 30, 2021

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons resonates with the heart of Connect 2 Ministries. Each year on July 30, we join the global movement to end human trafficking as an extension of our ongoing ministry during the year. More than 120 children rescued from trafficking now call our Regency and Mercy Children’s Homes their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. They even refer to Pastor Frandy Poyis, our partner in ministry, as their “Papi.”

headshot portrait od student angeline saintilus

One of these precious children is Saintilus Angeline. Angeline is fifteen years old, and she came to our children’s home two years ago. Life was difficult for Angeline from a young age, and she struggled with serious health issues while worrying constantly about how to survive from day to day. Angeline’s mother died when she was young, and her father thought he could secure her a better life by giving her away, making her a restavek. In reality, she became a mistreated slave.

headshot portrait of student angeline saintilus

As difficult as Angeline’s circumstances were, God ultimately used them to lead her to Christ. Angeline was rescued and brought to our Mercy Home, where she heard the good news of Jesus and turned to Him for salvation. Now, she has not only come to love Pastor Poyis as an earthly father, but she knows God as her perfect, heavenly Father.

candid smiling image of student angeline saintilus

Angeline is passionate about the Lord. She loves to read the Bible and speaks often about God’s goodness, His grace, and His will. Looking back on her past, she says that it brings her joy to see how clearly God directed her steps; she knows He has a plan for her and that she can trust Jesus because of that. Angeline is excited to pursue a career as a nurse—she wants to be like her father, Poyis, by caring for children and helping those who can’t help themselves.

student Saintilus Angeline reading a bible in classroom

Our ministry team and the children in our homes are excited to welcome more brothers and sisters rescued from slavery, whenever the Lord provides the opportunity. Psalm 139 reminds us that God cares even more deeply for these children than we do, and that each child was “fearfully and wonderfully made,” in His image. We give thanks that God knows each child’s name and face, and we eagerly anticipate knowing each child, too.

Here are some ways you can join us in our efforts to share the hope of Christ in a country where human trafficking is legal:

  • Pray with us that the Haitian government will deem human trafficking illegal.
  • Pray for our Haitian staff, who care for and minister to our rescued children every day.
  • Pray that each child in our care would know the healing salvation of Jesus Christ.
  • Sponsor a Child from one of our Homes.
  • Share about Connect 2 Ministries’ efforts today with your family and friends.

How are you standing against human trafficking today? We would love to hear from you!