“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:8–10

Pastor Pierre Jean David

Pastor Pierre Jean David knew about Jesus from a young age. His mother was a Christian, but as a young man, Pastor David left home to pursue a life in the world. He became a Vodou priest, and God ultimately used that dark lifestyle to turn him to Christ. While performing a ritual ceremony, at exactly midnight, he distinctly heard the voice of his mother (who had died twenty years before) singing a song they had sung together in his childhood. Pastor David immediately used the knife he was holding to destroy every Vodou item in his possession.

At thirty-seven years old, Pastor David repented, turned to Jesus for salvation, and was baptized. After two years attending another church, he knew that God was calling him to the work of ministry. Pastor David began taking Bible classes to deepen his own knowledge of Scripture and help him learn to teach. He grew even more involved in ministry, overseeing new members at church and serving regularly wherever needed, before ultimately becoming an evangelist.

Pastor David traveled throughout the countryside for four years, preaching wherever God led him, until 2010, when he lost his first wife and his home in the earthquake. God used this season to lead Pastor David to plant a church in Onaville, where he currently serves. His second wife, Bellange, also lost her first husband in the earthquake, and together, the couple now has seven children.

Pastor David asks that you please pray for this church and community in Onaville. Pray that God would give him wisdom to understand the Word and diligence to preach the gospel faithfully so that the church would be strengthened and the lost would be saved.

For information about the work in Haiti and how you can support Pastor David, visit connect2ministries.org/pastoral-training.