People by a dirt road buying good from a merchant on a motorcycle.

June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor, and every year, this day gives us reason to seek the Lord in prayer while thanking Him for the work He has already done in Haiti. More than 112 children rescued from slavery now call our C2M family home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. All of this is from the Lord.

To mark this World Day Against Child Labor, we want to invite you to watch our new short film, FOUND.

We produced this animated feature for two main reasons: to call attention to the ongoing struggle of restavek children in Haiti, and to highlight a practical way that we, as American Christians, can make a difference.

Child slavery is still legal in Haiti, and it is a culturally accepted practice. In recent months, the situation has grown worse because of the unrest and instability of gang rule. Where children were separated from their parents due to poverty in the past, the list of reasons why a child might end up on the street now is much longer.

We stand against child labor because we stand with compassion for the children of Haiti. Will you join us in praying for the restavek children of Haiti today?

Make a difference today by sharing FOUND with your family and friends!

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