Haitian citizens out and about in the town of Port-Au-Prince.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons resonates with the heart of Connect 2 Ministries. Each year on July 30, we join the global movement to end human trafficking as an extension of our ongoing ministry during the year. More than 115 children rescued from trafficking now call our Connect 2 Ministries community their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future.

Over the last two years, Haiti has experienced a prolonged period of social and political crisis. Today, we asked our founder, Greg Barshaw, to share what happens to restavek children in Haiti in times like these.

Earlier this month, we shared an update about the gangs’ control over main highways exiting Port-au-Prince. The gangs currently control Haiti’s capital, and they have taken control over the Port-au-Prince airport and shipping port as well. This has effectively choked off resources for approximately 2.5 million Haitians who now face starvation in addition to a lack of clean water and medical care. Often the people most affected in such times are children.

As food and resources become scarce, stability begins to falter in every area of society, including the family unit. Children spend more and more time outside the home actively looking for food and resources, and they encounter gang members and other devious people as a result. All too often, this is how child trafficking begins.

Hatian Children Holding Hands

Here are some ways you can join us in our efforts to share the hope of Christ in a country where human trafficking is legal:

  • Pray with us that the Haitian government will deem human trafficking illegal.
  • Pray for our Haitian staff, who care for and minister to our rescued children every day.
  • Pray that each child in our care would know the healing power and salvation of Jesus Christ.
  • Sponsor a Child from one of our Homes.
  • Share about Connect 2 Ministries’ efforts today with your family and friends.

How are you standing against human trafficking today? We would love to hear from you!

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