Street vendor in Haiti 2021

Diabetes is a significant health concern in Haiti. It has been steadily gaining prevalence in the country over the past few decades—many Haitians over the age of fifty now have Type 2 diabetes—which adds to the burden of non-communicable diseases in the nation. Several factors contribute to the high rates of diabetes among Haitians, including poor diet, food scarcity, and limited access to healthcare.

There is very little dietary balance among Haitians because fruits, vegetables, and protein are expensive. Their main food staple is rice for one simple reason: it’s cheap. The challenge is that the frontline treatment for diabetes involves dietary changes—for many Haitians, cost and access make those changes impossible. The roots of the Haitian diabetes epidemic are far more systemic than many people realize.

Limited access to healthcare exacerbates the problem. There is a shortage of medical professionals, but the country also suffers from inadequate infrastructure and limited financial resources. Over the last couple of years, these issues have only grown worse as gangs have destabilized what semblance of order there was to begin with. For these reasons, many Haitians living with diabetes lack access to regular check-ups, diagnostic tests, and medications. As a result, diabetes often goes undiagnosed and untreated until complications arise, leading to more trouble.

We experienced this devastating cycle firsthand with one of our boys, Mervile Eduardo. He passed away in December 2023 due to complications related to Type 1 diabetes. Tragically, this is a common occurrence in Haiti. Even when a patient has received a diagnosis, it can be difficult to anticipate how instability and scarcity in the country will affect ongoing treatment. Because of this, community-based initiatives play a crucial role in addressing the diabetes crisis in Haiti.

At Connect 2 Ministries, we have worked to care for individuals with diabetes in two ways. While our clinic’s initiatives have focused on raising awareness about diabetes and providing access to healthcare services, the agricultural work at our compound provides a tangible solution in the form of affordable protein. By addressing the social factors that determine health in a society, these small steps have the potential to make a meaningful impact on the diabetes epidemic in Haiti.

To learn more about our Medical Clinic in Haiti and how you can pray, visit Medical Clinic.

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