Standing on an empty lot, Pastor Poyis and I stared at the church’s walls. The roof hadn’t even been installed yet, but we expectantly discussed his vision for the church and the impact it would have beyond its physical building. Pastor Poyis shared with me that he wanted to name the church “Connect 2 Ministries.”

“Let’s pull back.” I said, “The church needs to have a Haitian name, not an American one. The church’s name should be related to your heart for the community. What is your desire for this community?” Pastor Poyis said, “I would love to see it redeemed.”

the exterior of a church in Haiti

And so, out of the heart of Pastor Poyis, the church was named Mission Englise Chretienne Redemptrice. Today, the once empty lot now provides food, water, fuel, clothes, and other basic necessities, as well as free medical services. With each resource given, we also make it a point to share the love of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.

There is a man who lives near the Connect 2 Ministries compound in Haiti who was once a strong practitioner of voodoo. As part of his practice, he would levitate to cross the street and get to other places. One day, he tried to levitate across the ministry compound and church, but it was as if he hit an invisible wall—and then he fell to the ground! He tried this on a couple other days with no luck, then went to seek out the man in charge of this land. Someone pointed him to Pastor Poyis, whom he asked, “What is this building? It’s more powerful than the voodoo I have.” Pastor Poyis proceeded to share the gospel with him, and this man repented and was saved that day—he is now a faithful member of our church, Mission Englise Chretienne Redemptrice.

Praise the Lord for His work!

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