Medical Clinic

Diabetes in Haiti

Diabetes is a significant health concern in Haiti. It has been steadily gaining prevalence in the country over the past few decades—many Haitians over the age of fifty now have Type 2 diabetes—which adds to the burden of non-communicable diseases in the nation. Several factors contribute to the high rates of diabetes among Haitians, including poor diet, food scarcity, and limited access to healthcare. There is very little dietary balance among Haitians because fruits, vegetables, and protein are expensive. Their main food staple is rice for one simple reason: it’s cheap. The challenge is that the frontline treatment for diabetes [...]

A Greater Healing

One of the first things we do when a new child comes to our Children’s Homes is give them a medical examination. Because our kids come from situations where they were enslaved, we make it a priority to meet any physical needs as soon as possible. The first eight kids we brought to the Regency Home were lovingly and carefully examined by a medical team which consisted of three U.S. nurses who had volunteered their time and skills to help in this ministry. These nurses were seasoned professionals (each one had more than twenty years of [...]

2023-04-06T16:27:30-07:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , , |

Caring as Christ Cares

Caring as Christ Cares If you walk the grounds of our compound in Haiti, you might notice that we have facilities equipped to care for people in every area of life—spirit, mind, and body. The church is at the center, and that ministry directs the educational programs we conduct in our school. Unsurprisingly, the third main building on site is a Medical Clinic, which serves not only our children and pastors, but provides care to the surrounding community as well. Jesus himself cared for people’s physical needs, so we’ve made it our [...]

2023-04-07T08:34:03-07:00October 15th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , |

A Lasting Impact, Part 2

A Lasting Impact, Part 2 This trip was a whirlwind, to say the least, and our team worked on a couple of projects for the Children’s Homes while also helping with the Children’s Hunger Fund food pak distributions. It is so encouraging to watch ministry happen in real-time. One morning, the Medical Clinic offered vaccines for the community, with women bringing their babies for check-ups and immunizations, and another day, the pastors from our Mercy Network came to the compound for a morning of worship, equipping, and discipleship. The week was filled with ministry. [...]

2021 Ministry Goals

2021 Ministry Goals We’re all excited to see what God has in store for the rest of the year. Lord-willing, we’ll be able to continue seeing ministry flourish in Haiti. We have 6 big goals we’d love to accomplish. Would you pray with us over the following: In partnership with Children's Hunger Fund, we are excited to work with 30 churches in our network to provide free medical services. Each clinic will provide services for 120 people, estimating over 3,600 new families will hear the Gospel. How to Pray: [...]

2023-04-07T08:47:00-07:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

2020 Ministry Accomplishments

2020 Ministry Accomplishments Although ministry could have been halted in 2020, we’re so grateful that God had other plans. We also want to express our gratitude to all our supporters, volunteers and prayer warriors. Here are 6 big projects that were accomplished in 2020: In March 2020, a small team of volunteers led by Mark Upson travelled to Haiti to install solar power at the ministry compound and both Children’s Homes.The entire project was funded by faithful supporters of the ministry, and we received donated electrical supplies through our friends [...]

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