Simi Valley Walk participants sitting on lawn smiling.

Walking for Restaveks this October 5th is more than a way to fill another Saturday. It’s a powerful opportunity to deepen your love for your local church, the lost, and international missions. This family-friendly event not only raises awareness about the struggle of restavek children in Haiti but also provides a tangible point of connection with other believers that can transform your perspective on personal faith and gospel service.

Strengthening Our Love for the Local Church
By joining the Walk for Restaveks, you’ll be part of a collective effort that includes your local church and extends beyond your church walls. It’s an opportunity to…

  • Build relationships: Walking alongside fellow Christians from the southern California area creates opportunities for meaningful conversations. These interactions strengthen our connection within our local Christian community.
  • Live out our faith: Participating in the Walk allows us to put our faith into action, demonstrating the love and compassion modeled for us by Christ.
  • Encourage others: Our involvement can encourage other church members to engage in outreach activities, creating a ripple effect of service and compassion within our congregations.

Developing a Heart for the Lost
The Walk for Restaveks sheds light on the harsh realities faced by vulnerable children in Haiti, opening our eyes to the broader needs of the lost in our world. This awareness can…

  • Cultivate empathy: Learning about the struggles of restavek children can help us develop a deeper sense of empathy for those who are suffering or marginalized, both locally and globally, which is the foundation for compassionate ministry.
  • Motivate action: Understanding the deepest need in any suffering—the need to know the love of Jesus—clarifies our purpose and helps motivate us to act.
  • Broaden your perspective: Exposure to international issues can help us recognize the need of those in our own backyard, encouraging gospel action both at home and abroad.

Igniting Passion for International Missions
The Walk for Restaveks provides a tangible connection to international missions, bringing the realities of global needs closer to home. This experience can…

  • Create personal investment: By actively participating in the Walk, we become personally invested in the mission to help restavek children, making international missions part of our immediate spheres.
  • Inspire future ministry: Participation here is just the beginning. Whether the Lord calls you to pray, support financially, or travel internationally yourself, we are all called to play an active role in Kingdom work around the globe.

The Walk for Restaveks offers practical ways to make a difference while also nurturing our own spiritual growth. As a family-friendly event, the Walk also provides an opportunity to teach children about compassion, service, and global missions in a hands-on way. Ultimately, this event serves as a catalyst for personal growth, encouraging us all as we pursue meaningful action in ministry, both in the US and around the world.

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