Monthly Archives: July 2021

2021 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons - July 30, 2021 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons resonates with the heart of Connect 2 Ministries. Each year on July 30, we join the global movement to end human trafficking as an extension of our ongoing ministry during the year. More than 120 children rescued from trafficking now call our Regency and Mercy Children’s Homes their home, living in an environment where they are loved, educated, and given a hope-filled future. They even refer to Pastor Frandy Poyis, our partner in ministry, as their [...]

2023-06-12T10:07:39-07:00July 30th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , |

Pastor Testimony—Pierre Jean David

“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:8–10 Pastor Pierre Jean David Pastor Pierre Jean David knew about Jesus from a [...]

2023-04-07T08:41:06-07:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Testimonies|Tags: , , |

Laying a Foundation, Part 5

Laying a Foundation, Part 5 Thursday I spent the morning with a group of pastors, and we sang, prayed, and then spent some time discussing Psalm 23. One of the younger pastors posed a question about how God, who is a shepherd, could allow some in the world to suffer while others do not. You can imagine what this sparked in the room. I was able to briefly walk through Scripture and explain how God is sovereign, showing that the Bible points to Jesus as the perfect example of suffering, giving us a model [...]

2023-04-07T08:41:40-07:00July 16th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: |

Laying a Foundation, Part 4

Laying a Foundation, Part 4 Tuesday We arrived at the church early and were greeted immediately by more of the church members, ready to help with whatever was needed. All of the posts were in the ground, and the main objective of the day was to build the forty-foot center beam (along with cutting and placing all of the side beams). This would take all day. I was very impressed by our men; they were eager to work and to get things done. While the building continued at full force, Poyis [...]

2023-04-07T08:42:04-07:00July 9th, 2021|Categories: Ministry Outreach|Tags: , , , |

Laying a Foundation, Part 3

Laying a Foundation, Part 3 Monday The team was up early and ready to get going. We ate a nice breakfast, spent some quality time together as a group, and started loading the van so that we could be on the road first thing—and then, the van wouldn’t start. Over the span of about half an hour, I watched the Haitian world and the American world collide. The Americans were antsy to start the day, and the Haitians were rolling with the circumstances. When Poyis arrived, he stopped a moment, put his [...]

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