“For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.” —Psalm 27:10
Pastor Charles Michelet
Some of you may know Pastor Charles Michelet, one of the Haitian pastors we have the honor of doing ministry with. Pastor Michelet came to Onaville with his family in 2012, and the very next year, he organized a small group to study God’s Word. That small group began to grow and became a church not long after, as Pastor Michelet began to study at a Bible school. Last fall, we sent a team to build a larger church for them, because their numbers had increased so dramatically.
Pastor Michelet was constantly “accepting Jesus” ever since he was little, but he was actually saved in 2009 after hearing an evangelist preach in the Dominican Republic. All he wanted to do during the sermon was run away and hide, but he understood that Jesus was calling him. He turned from his sin and trusted in Christ for salvation. The gospel changed his heart so dramatically that the first thing he did was marry his girlfriend (whom he’d been living with) out of conviction and obedience to God.

Pastor Michelet and his wife, Agathcharles, have been married for eleven years and now have four children. They love their church and community—pray that God would continue to grow their church spiritually and provide for the physical needs of the people in the community (many of the children don’t have water and can’t go to school). Ministry is rewarding, but filled with challenges.
In late May, Pastor Michelet was downtown in an area where violence has been more prevalent. While travelling by tap tap, he was mistakenly hit by gunfire and took a bullet to his throat. Praise the Lord that he has received the medical care he needs, and please pray for a quick and full recovery. Also pray for his wife and the members of his church, as they wait for the healing of their shepherd.

A few of the Haitian pastors in our Mercy Network, along with Antioch Church of Simi Valley, donated generously to help cover the costs of Pastor Michelet’s medical expenses. We have been so encouraged by the generosity this community of believers has displayed.
Wiley traveled to Haiti early in June, and he had a chance to talk in person with Pastor Poyis about Pastor Michelet’s recovery. We are excited to share that Pastor Michelet is doing well—he’s been healing, has energy, and has been able to resume some tasks. His CT scans revealed no signs of the bullet, and he is starting to talk again! His wife and family have been so encouraged by these milestones, as Pastor Michelet continues to improve. Please pray that God would continue to heal Pastor Michelet’s body and give him energy.
For information about the work in Haiti, visit Pastoral Training.