“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16

Pastor Louissiant Delice

Pastor Louissiant Delice was raised in a Christian home, and he has been thankful for the legacy of a believing family his whole life. His parents taught him to love the Word of God, and from a young age, he has desired to serve God first above everything else. Pastor Delice was blessed to attend a Bible-teaching church, and as a young man, the leadership asked him if he would attend Bible school and prepare for full time ministry as a pastor.

The church where Pastor Delice now serves is located in the countryside, about two hours from the city of Port-au-Prince. His wife, Edith, serves alongside him, and the couple have seven children ranging in age from twenty-nine to seven. Pastor Delice asks that you pray for wisdom and guidance for their older children in pursuing careers, and pray for continued spiritual growth for the whole family.

Please pray that this church would be a light in the surrounding community. It is always encouraging to see how God works through His people, so our prayer is that the Lord would grow this church’s knowledge of His Word and use them powerfully for the gospel. Please also pray that God would provide a school for the community; many children do not go to school, and it would meet a strongly felt need.

For information about the work in Haiti and how you can support Pastor Delice, visit connect2ministries.org/pastoral-training.

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