Pastor Equipping Program
Since 2010, Connect 2 Ministries has been hosting regular pastoral training conferences for twelve churches in Haiti, as well as providing them food, in partnership with Children’s Hunger Fund, for community distribution. These churches are part of C2M’s “Mercy Network.” In addition to the Mercy Network, Connect 2 Ministries partners with more than fifty other churches in the surrounding communities by providing them with pastoral training and financial support as the budget allows.
“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.”
—Ephesians 4:11–14
Our Mission
Connect 2 Ministries views Christ’s church as the solution for many of the problems facing Haitian society. Our goal is to help our Mercy Network pastors become more effective by nurturing mentoring relationships within the Haitian church. We work regularly with the twelve pastors in our Mercy Network, answering questions and acting as a sounding board as they strive to build biblical churches. As these men progress in their own training, the next step is for each pastor to take on his own group of men to disciple, extending the training already received. This model is by no means unique to Connect 2 Ministries, but we’ve found it to be effective for two key reasons…
The best way to train a Haitian pastor is through a Haitian pastor.
As Americans, we don’t know the nuances of Haitian culture or the unique challenges of shepherding a Haitian congregation. Our goal is to disciple men who ultimately end up discipling men in their own cultural context, allowing the network to multiply into more small churches equipped to reach their communities.
Small churches are key in a culture defined by community.
Church planting is a central aim of our ministry because community drives Haitian culture. Cultural change happens from the bottom up, which means that there is power in close-knit groups of people—especially believers. The small church model allows our pastors to know their people well, and it provides opportunities for the congregations to take an active role in evangelism as they see needs arise.
Meet Our Pastors

Frandy Poyis
Mercy Network Director & Pastor.
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Derozier Bernateau
Mercy Network Pastor, Port-au-Prince.
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Mentor Chrisdonne
Mercy Network Pastor, Port–au-Prince.
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Louissaint Delice
Mercy Network Pastor, rural Port-au-Prince.
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Marcelin Guercelus
Mercy Network Pastor, Onaville.
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Elberis Joseph
Mercy Network Pastor, Port-au-Prince.
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Louis Jean Lenes
Mercy Network Pastor, Corail.
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Marc Jean Louis Maitre
Mercy Network Pastor, rural Port-au-Prince.
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Charles Michelet
Mercy Network Pastor, Onaville.
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Pierre Jean David
Mercy Network Pastor, Onaville.
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Get Involved
Did you know that the average Haitian church tithes a total of $5 each week? Most Haitian pastors are bivocational so that they can afford to care for their own families. At Connect 2, our desire is to support each church in our network and give the pastors the ability to serve their communities in tangible ways.

A One-Time Gift
Any one-time gift towards the Pastor Equipping Program will be used to further train, encourage, and support the pastors in our network. By giving to this ministry, you are helping our pastors be the hands and feet of Jesus in Haiti. We want to enable these men to deal with the crisis of humanity—medical needs, child slavery, food shortages—by providing the resources they need. They do the rest.

School for Hope
God designed the church to be an extension of His compassion in a troubled world. One of the ways we work toward that end is through a program called the “School for Hope,” run through our churches. This ministry focuses on meeting needs in our churches’ communities through a free educational program. The school was originally intended to serve children affected by disabilities because they are seen as outcasts in their communities, but we are excited to have opened this up to any child who is unable to attend a typical school. The classes vary in size, some much smaller than others, but all are equally necessary. It costs approximately $100 to support one school each month.

Sponsor a Church
Throughout the New Testament, we see consistent examples of local churches partnering with and supporting churches in other areas of the world for the sake of gospel ministry. To that end, one of our goals at Connect 2 Ministries is to see each of our Haitian churches sponsored by a church in the United States.
We currently partner with approximately ten churches and pastors in Haiti. Our churches function autonomously, and we are always looking for ways to help them in their ministries—in addition to regular meetings focused on biblical and theological training, we hope to provide support for mobile medical clinics, church building projects, future children’s homes, and the ability to provide water in their communities. Sponsoring a church routes your financial gift directly to that church, helping them as they strive to meet the needs of their congregation and extend the message of the gospel to their communities in a practical way.
By God’s design, ministry always flows from the church, the extension of Christ on earth. By partnering with other believers in this broadscale context, we gain opportunities for ministry at the interpersonal level.
The average church in our network can be sponsored for approximately $100 each month.
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